Big Picture Speculator

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Jim Letourneau’s Big Picture Speculator – an investment newsletter for the proactive portfolio. In circulation since 2004.

Identifying companies that show potential to impact large markets – and increase earnings for many year is KEY
to making big returns.
But honing in on Big Picture ideas requires time, patience and an eagle eye for innovation. It’s a constant challenge:
  • There are over 5,000 publicly traded companies in Canada and tens of thousands more in the U.S.
  • It can take 10 years or more for a new concept to be commercialized.
  • Brokers look at the past, not the future. They tell you to do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time.
  • The Big Picture Speculator doesn’t just track trends, it identifies tipping points that indicate a broader market acceptance and compelling buying opportunities. And this information comes to you before the analysts are talking about it publicly.