Mutual Fund/ETF Navigator

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The Mutual Fund/ETF Navigator newsletter has been specifically designed for investors with mutual fund holdings at Charles Schwab & Co., Inc and Schwab Institutional (Schwab) with the added feature of providing a proven ETF Rotation Model and ETF rankings. The newsletter offers a viable alternative to other publications available that only give information on one fund family such as Schwab. However, unlike other “Schwab-specific” newsletters that you’ll find, the Mutual Fund & ETF Navigator also analyzes and ranks more than a thousand no-transaction fee funds available to Schwab account holders through Mutual Fund OneSource®.

To us, including all funds available to Schwab account holders (in addition to Schwab and Laudus funds) only makes sense. In some cases there may be a better mutual fund alternative to a Schwab fund. Or, a particular area or sector of the market may not be adequately represented by a Schwab fund and for diversification purposes it may make sense to consider other fund families.

Best of all, all of the non-Schwab funds in the newsletter are available without transaction fees or loads. Utilizing both the best Schwab and non-Schwab funds has allowed the Navigator to achieve the outstanding performance summarized above.