Nate’s Notes

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Nate’s Notes is a monthly investment newsletter focused on helping individual investors grow their wealth in the stock market via a sensible, long-term approach to investing.

Written in a concise, easy-to-read style that can be understood by investors on Main Street as well as Wall Street, each month’s issue contains several pages of market commentary from Editor Nate Pile, as well as updates on each of the stocks being recommended in the newsletter.

In addition, to help subscribers more easily follow the advice being given in the newsletter, all buy limits and buy/sell orders are clearly spelled out for subscribers in multiple locations throughout the newsletter each month.

Two Portfolios (the Model and Aggressive) are used to track the returns generated by our approach over time, and though it is difficult to hold the top spot 100% of the time, we are very proud of the fact that Nate’s Notes has held the #1 position for one-, five-, ten-, and fifteen-year returns at various points in time since The Hulbert Financial Digest began tracking the newsletter’s performance in early 2000.