Mutual Fund Strategist, The

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Year To Date Performance Comparison / -1.1% Momementum Portfolio / -38.5% S&P 500 Index / -40.5% NASDAQ Composite Index / 2008 Return
Looking for general guidance? Take advantage of our many timing models. We provide buy and sell signals for both intermediate-term and long-term trends for the Dow, S&P 400,S&P 500, Nasdaq, Nasdaq 100, NYSE, Russell 2000, Wilshire 5000, US Equity Funds, US Bond Funds, US High Yield Bond Funds, US Municipal Bond Funds, International Equity Funds, International Bond Funds, Asia Funds, Europe Funds, Japan Funds, Latin America Funds and Gold Funds.

You can combine timing model buy signals with top funds from our weekly relative strength rankings. Each issue ranks funds by momentum in categories corresponding to our timing models – plus bonus lists for DireXion, Fidelity, ProFunds, Rydex and Vanguard funds.