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Benefit from the newsletter that has received worldwide attention from MarketWatch, Investors Chronicle of The Financial Times of London, CXO Advisory,, Yahoo Finance, The Street, Zacks Research, Kiplinger, the AAII Journal, the Market Technicians Association, the Wall Street Journal, and many others.

Why does Market Timing matter? Mark Hulbert, in MarketWatch, wrote an interesting article that market timing is academically proven to increase investment results.
Combining the time-tested principles of Charles Dow’s Traditional Dow Theory with the 55+ years of research and real-life experience, Jack Schannep developed and edits Newsletter which is committed to providing our subscribers with effective, profitable market timing wisdom in a timely manner. Son Bart has over 30 years in the financial services industry and is Contributing Editor. Our Newsletter is about much more than just the Dow Theory, incorporating other important fundamental, economic and historic perspective to the technical Indicators interpreted in our Letter.
We think you will gain peace of mind from having a disciplined, proven market timing approach to successful investing.