Fosback’s Fund Forecaster

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Secure Your Retirement – Practical and immensely valuable advice on how to structure your portfolios to build capital for your retirement – and then keep it

Tax Tactics – It’s not how much money you make that counts, it’s what you keep after taxes. Fosback’s Fund Forecaster gives you the kind of sharp-edged tax advice you need to maximize your take-home profits in the investment world.

Profit Projections – 1-Year and 5-Year performance forecasts for individual mutual funds, based on the formula created by Mr. Fosback. So you can anticipate expected returns on funds before you buy, as well as on funds already in your portfolio.

Risk Ratings – An objective risk assessment of individual funds. So you know the downside potential of what you own or before you buy.

“Best Buy” Recommendations – This amazing advisory combines the Profit Projections and Risk Ratings to identify the very best funds for you and for your specific reward-risk requirement. Featuring the “Best Buys” in every investment category: