Investment Quality Trends

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Investment Quality Trends has been making money for its subscribers since 1966, following the wonderfully old-fashioned idea that one should purchase the top dividend paying stocks when the dividend yield is historically high, sell when the dividend yield declines to historic lows and completely avoid stocks which pay no dividend at all.

Yes, dividends! The simple fact is that the top dividend paying stocks provide a cushion of safety in a turbulent market environment and most particularly, when stock prices start going down. The top dividend paying stocks also tend to trade between distinct high-yield (undervalue) and low-yield (overvalue) price areas, which identify where investors should buy and sell. So in addition to providing income and safety, the top dividend paying stocks show investors when to buy, sell or hold according to historically repetitive patterns of dividend yield!

But be careful! The top dividend paying stocks doesn’t mean the highest yielding stocks. The top dividend paying stocks are the highest quality dividend paying stocks, which have long track records of profitability, at least 25 years of uninterrupted dividends with a consistent pattern of increasing dividends, liquidity, institutional sponsorship and managerial competence.

While our approach to investing is simple, it is logical, low-risk and consistently profitable. Our approach has also earned the highest rankings from The Hulbert Financial Digest for risk-adjusted returns and the respect of the global investing community as the independent source for timely information on the top dividend paying stocks.